In Slack

Tired of spending all of your time in your email inbox? Slack helps you say goodbye to email while keeping all of your teams’ communications and files in one place, wherever you go. You can group conversations, share files and search while staying in sync across multiple platforms. It also has dozens of integrations with third party applications and is a secure way to communicate.

Shortcuts are a type of element in Slack clients that invoke a helpful action. Apps can create their own shortcuts and use them as a trigger for interactive workflows. When someone uses one of your shortcuts, your app will receive some context about what happened in an interaction payload. Create issues from Slack - Create issues in Jira directly from Slack, in the context of a conversation; Interact with issues from Slack - Transition, assign, comment on, and watch issues right from Slack. Atlassian and Slack are committed to building deep and powerful integrations that enable teams to collaborate and iterate quickly. Slack’s free mode limits app integrations to 10. This roadblock goes away in the paid plans, and businesses can take full advantage of Slack’s more than 2,400 app integration possibilities.

Companies, big and small, are moving to this new tool for communication, including Productivityist. I’ve personally used this tool with multiple teams and continue to find more reasons why it’s my favorite messaging app.

Here are seven of my favorite tips and tricks to help make Slack easier and better to use.


Slack also has a few small resizing options you should know about, which can come in handy when you want to maximize screen real estate. Press Ctrl + Shift + D on Windows or Command + Shift + D on a Mac to collapse or show the sidebar. Slack Slack is a team communication tool, that brings together all of your team communications in one place, instantly searchable and available wherever you go.

1. Notify Individuals (@username)

One of the easiest and quickest tips for Slack is the ability to mention people in your messages. Just like Twitter, everyone on your team has a unique username prepended by the @ sign. If you want to mention someone in a message, type the @ sign and Slack will give you a popup of available users you can choose from; continue typing to autocomplete the user of your choice.

Furthermore, if you want to notify everyone in a channel or group you can type @channel and everyone will be notified of the message.

2. Quick Commands (/command)

Slack is often used for sharing messages, links, and files but there is much more to this app; Slack also has built-in and third party commands that allow you to interact with the app at a deeper level. All commands in Slack are initiated by a forward slash (/) at the beginning of your message. You will immediately see a popup of all available commands and can choose the one you want by typing the keyword for the appropriate command.

Here are some examples:

  • /mute – mutes the current channel.
  • /away – toggle your away status.
  • /collapse – collapse all files in the current channel (/expand does the opposite).
  • /invite @username – Invite another member to a channel or group.

Slack makes it easy because it autocompletes the command as you type and shows a description next to the keyword.

3. Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts are a great way to increase productivity and quickly navigate and interact with any application. Slack has a great set of keyboard shortcuts for navigation, messages and more.

Here are a list of shortcuts I use everyday:

  • Cmd / – Display all of Slack’s keyboard shortcuts.
  • Cmd k – Open the Quick Switcher.
  • Cmd u – Upload a file.
  • Cmd , – Open Slack’s settings.

My favorite and most used shortcut is the “Quick Switcher” which opens with ⌘+K or ⌘+T (or Ctrl + K for Windows). It pulls up a search form that displays all unread channels, groups and private messages followed by a complete list of everything else. Simply type what area of your team you want to visit and hit enter. It’s an easy way to jump between conversations and view unread channels in a quick glance.

Ready to dive deeper into Slack? Then check out the new Productivityist course (built right inside of Slack) called Slack Made Easy. You can learn more about Slack Made Easy here.

4. Multiple Teams

Did you know you aren’t limited to one team with Slack? There are many companies and communities moving to Slack for team communication. Slack allows you to easily add multiple teams to your app.

You can switch between apps using the small sidebar on the right (or inside the menu on mobile). You can also switch using keyboard shortcuts displayed between each of your team icons (ex: ⌘+1). Combine team switching with the Quick Switcher utility and it becomes quick and easy to hold conversations between multiple channels with multiple teams.

5. Custom Themes

If you start using multiple teams, you will want to have a way to easily identify communication between teams. To help you with this, Slack allows you to customize the colors of your sidebar. In the settings there is a section called “Sidebar Theme” with a set of premade themes that have unique color palettes.

The real power house behind Slacks Sidebar Theme is the ability to create your own color themes. Click the link at the bottom and you can adjust whatever colors you want using their color picker or your own hexadecimal color value. I would recommend matching the Sidebar Theme with your company’s colors. For Productivityist Slack group, Choco Mint is the theme with a replacement of all the greens with Productivityist green.

This makes Slack feel personal and unique for each team you participate in, and the theme carries across all devices, so just make the update once and everything changes. Lastly, you can share your theme by copying the hexadecimal codes (from the bottom for of the Sidebar Theme settings) and even share it with your teammates.

6. Customize Notification Preferences

Slack isn’t intended to be a new instant messaging platform to keep you connected with your team. Rather, it’s supposed to be a smarter way to communicate on a team.

This is why the notification settings are critical when setting up Slack. I suggest using Slack’s recommended settings. It allows you to get notifications for @channel messages and responses from messages you directed or are mentioned in. These settings eliminate worry about missing important messages, without your phone or computer going off all day with less important conversations.

How to use giphy in slack

7. Emoji Reactions

A new feature introduced by the Slack team allows you to “react” to someone’s message with a emoticon. You can type +:emoji_name: or hit Cmd+Shift+ to pull up a popup containing a list of emoji to interact with a message. On mobile you can tap and hold the message you want to react to and hit the “Add Reaction” link.

Emoji reactions are a simple but clever way to connect with what others are saying. It’s another reason why Slack is fun and forward thinking with their app.


These are just a handful of tips for working with Slack. This application has transformed the way Productivityist team communicates and we think it can help your team as well. Mike has teamed up with Steve Dotto to create a new course – administered in Slack – called Slack Made Easy. Plus, this is an active community; the course will continue to grow as the community grows. The Productivityist​ team members that built it – including Mike Vardy – along with Dotto Tech​ are in there so you’ll have direct access to them! You can learn more about Slack Made Easy and get enrolled today by clicking here.

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Slack is a team communication tool, that brings together all of your team communications in one place, instantly searchable and available wherever you go.

This connector is available in the following products and regions:

Logic AppsStandardAll Logic Apps regions except the following:
- Azure China regions
Power AutomateStandardAll Power Automate regions except the following:
- US Government (GCC High)
- China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
Power AppsStandardAll Power Apps regions except the following:
- US Government (GCC High)
- China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
URLMicrosoft LogicApps Support
Microsoft Power Automate Support
Microsoft Power Apps Support
Connector Metadata
Privacy policy

Known Issues and Limitations

  1. As per the Slack API documentation, some Slack API methods that the connector uses will stop functioning in February 2021 and will not work with newly created apps after June 10th, 2020. So please use latest versions of below actions.


  2. Create a group is deprecated, please use latest version of Create a channel to create private channels.

  3. The maximum number of characters in a message is limited to 4000. For more details, please refer to Slack's official documentation.

Connector in-depth

For more information about the connector, see the in-dept section.

Throttling Limits

NameCallsRenewal Period
API calls per connection10060 seconds
Frequency of trigger polls1120 seconds


Create a channel

Create a channel in slack.

Create a channel [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use Create a channel instead.

Create a channel in slack.

Create a group [DEPRECATED]

Creates a group in slack.

Join a channel [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use Join a public channel instead.

Join a channel in slack.

Join a public channel

Join a public channel in slack.

List channels [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use List public channels (Pagination support) instead.

List the channels in slack.

List public channels

List the public channels in slack.

List public channels (Pagination support) (Preview)

List the public channels in slack.

Post message (V2)

This operation is used to post a message to the specified channel.

Post message [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use Post message (V2) instead.

This operation is used to post a message to the specified channel.

Set do not disturb

Set the do not disturb status for the user.

Create a channel

Create a channel in slack.


name string

The name of the new channel.

Is Private channel?
is_private boolean

Channel is private or not


Create a channel [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use Create a channel instead.

Create a channel in slack.


name string

The name of the new channel.



Create a group [DEPRECATED]

Creates a group in slack.


name string

The name of the group.


Id string

The id of the group. string

The name of the group.

Join a channel [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use Join a public channel instead.

Join a channel in slack.


name string

The name of the channel.


In Slack

Join a public channel

Join a public channel in slack.


channel string

The name of the channel.



List channels [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use List public channels (Pagination support) instead.

List the channels in slack.


List public channels

List the public channels in slack.


List public channels (Pagination support) (Preview)

List the public channels in slack.


Post message (V2)

This operation is used to post a message to the specified channel.


channel True string

Channel, private group, or IM channel to send message to. Can be a name(ex: #general) or an encoded ID.

Message Text
text True string

Body of the message to send. Slack API will truncate messages containing more than 40,000 characters. For formatting options, see

username string

Name of the bot.

Post As User
as_user boolean

Pass true to post the message as the authenticated user, instead of as a bot.

parse string

Change how messages are treated. For details, see

Slack markup parsing
mrkdwn boolean

Slack markup parsing setting. Enabled by default.

link_names integer

Find and link channel names and usernames.

Unfurl Links
unfurl_links boolean

Pass true to enable unfurling of primarily text-based content.

unfurl_media boolean

Pass false to disable unfurling of media content.

Icon Url
icon_url uri

URL to an image to use as an icon for this message.

icon_emoji string

Emoji to use as an icon for this message.


Details of the message posted to a Slack channel.


Post message [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use Post message (V2) instead.

This operation is used to post a message to the specified channel.

In Slack Season


channel True string

Channel, private group, or IM channel to send message to. Can be a name(ex: #general) or an encoded ID.

Message Text
text True string

Body of the message to send (less than 4000 characters). For formatting options, see

username string

Name of the bot.

Post As User
as_user boolean

Pass true to post the message as the authenticated user, instead of as a bot.

parse string

Change how messages are treated. For details, see

Link Names
link_names integer

Find and link channel names and usernames.

unfurl_links boolean

Pass true to enable unfurling of primarily text-based content.

Unfurl Media
unfurl_media boolean

Pass false to disable unfurling of media content.

icon_url uri

URL to an image to use as an icon for this message.

Icon Emoji
icon_emoji string

Emoji to use as an icon for this message.


ok boolean

Indicates if the operation was successful.

channel string

The channel which the message was posted to.

ts string


Message Text
message.text string

Body of the message. string

Unique identifier of the message.

Creator Id
message.user string

Unique identifier of the user who posted the message.

message.created integer

Unix timestamp for when the message is created.

Is Deleted
message.is_user-deleted boolean

Whether or not the message has been deleted.

error string

Details of the error messages, if any.

Set do not disturb

Set the do not disturb status for the user.


num_minutes string

The number of minutes to set do not disturb.


Snooze Enabled
snooze_enabled boolean

Whether snooze is enabled.


When a file is created

When a file is created

When a file is created

When a file is created


channel True string

The name of the channel.


id string

Id of the file

created integer

When the file was created.

name string

The name of the file.

title string

The title of the file.



The Channel

id string

The id of the channel.

name string

The name of channel.


channels array of Channel


value array of Channel


channel Channel

The Channel


already_in_channel boolean

Whether the user is already in the channel or not.

channel Channel

The Channel

Poll In Slack


channel Channel

The Channel

warning string

Whether the user is already in the channel or not.


In Slack

Details of the message posted to a Slack channel.

ok boolean

Indicates if the operation was successful.

channel string

The channel which the message was posted to.

ts string

Unix timestamp for when the message was created.

Message Type
message.type string

Type of the message.

message.text string

Body of the message.

Created Time
message.ts string

Unix timestamp for when the message was created.

error string

Details of the error messages, if any.