Blender 3d Printing

Blender can export to STL, which is a fairly standard file format for 3Dprinting. This section demonstrates the changes that occur to a mesh whenexporting and re-importing an STL


I made this tool that holds 3 sharpies that color your filament before printing. Color Blender // 3D Print Custom Colors and Gradients ( 3 and 6 marker. Sculpting & Product Design for 3D Printing - Blender 2.8. Sculpting Props for 3D Printing Using zBrush 2020 & Blender. Sculpting & Product Design for 3D Printing - Blender 2.8. Sculpting, Phone Amp, & EEVEE Studio for 3D Print Designers using Blender (2020). A 3D printer needs to take a description of a three-dimensional object and turn it into a physical object. Like Blender, a 3D printer uses values along the X, Y, and Z axes to determine the shape of an object. But where Blender sees an object as perhaps cylinders, spheres, cubes, or edges and faces, a 3D printer is all about layers and perimeters.

Exercise: Exporting an STL

  • Either save your existing work as a .blend file (File‣ Save) or load this example: L-centered.blend.
  • Select the object to export.
  • File ‣ Export ‣ Stl
  • Check the Scene Unit checkbox. This stores the units in the STL file.
  • Select a filename and location lick the Export STL button
  • Import the just-exported STL: (File ‣ Import ‣ Stl).
  • The new object came in right on top of the existing one, so select it andmove it out of the way.
  • Switch to Edit Mode after selecting the original and the newly importedversion: what’s different?

Be careful: when opening someone else’s STL, often we don’t know ahead of timeif units were stored in the STL file. If you import an object and it’s eitherhuge or so small it looks like nothing happened, you will need to be morecareful about units. If units were not stored in the STL, Blender assumesmeters. If units are not set in Blender but they are set in the STL, Blenderassumes its “None” units are meters. Here is a summary of how Blender behaveswhen importing STL files with or without units:

Blender 3d Printing Tutorial


Blender unitsSTL unitsImported object size
NonemillmetersVery small

If the size of the imported object seems wrong, try setting or unsettingBlender’s units

Many algorithms for working with 3D objects operate on triangles – inparticular those used for slicing models for printing. The STL format works intriangles (tris), but we were modeling in quads. Exporting an STLimplicitly triangulated all faces.

Sometimes it is useful to convert from tris back to quads, since they’re easierto think about, manipulate, and calculate coordinates for precision modeling.

Exercise: tris to quads

  • In Edit Mode, select all faces
  • Convert tris to quads (Alt-J, or Space and search for“tris to quads”)
  • Note that some faces (the inset ones) were not converted to quads – thealgorithm is not perfect. To fix this, we could delete the edges and useF to re-fill the faces as quads. We might have to do this if weimported someone else’s STL. In practice, it’s better to save theoriginal .blend file for modifiying.

Blender 3d Printing Addon

Example “L” shape¶

  • units stored in the STL (L-centered-units.stl)
  • units not stored in the STL (L-centered-no-units.stl)
  • blender file (L-centered.blend)

Blender 3d Printing Toolbox

Example instrument mount¶

  • Started from Simple Beaker Clamp on the NIH 3D Print Exchange (MainArm_0.stl)
  • Modified instrument mount Blender file (instrument-mount.blend)
  • Modified instrument mount STL file (instrument-mount.stl)

Blender 3d Printing Essentials Pdf

Blender and 3D Printing - Precision modelling using Blender - CAD like approach using Blender. In this video series I want to collect the important points for precision modelling in Blender. To get the best out of two worlds, the Blender visual design approach and the predictable, accurate way of modelling in CAD.
The first part of the series covers:
- Change the unit measurement system,
- Use the display grid and incremental,
- General navigation tools
- Transformation manipulators and GUI-3D
display tools
For 3D Cursor positioning, there is a great addon called 'Enhanced 3D Cursor'. It helps you to positioning the 3D Cursor and save locations of the 3D Cursor in a bookmark list.
3D View - Blender Documentation:
Transformation Manipulators - Blender Documentation:
Precision transformation - Blender Documentation:
Orientation - Blender Documentation:
Definition of 'Computer-aided_design' CAD in Wikipedia