Omnifocus Mail Drop

Omnifocus mail drop box


Omnifocus Mail Drop Syntax

Your tasks and perspectives everywhere. Near-instant push sync across all platforms: Mac, iOS, and web. Your Graffle documents and stencils on iPad, iPhone, and Mac. All in sync with OmniPresence. Your Outliner documents and templates on iPad, iPhone, and Mac. Mail Drop is simple: forward on or create new emails that you’d like to show up in your OmniFocus Inbox to a specific email address. The server takes the subject and body, puts them in an action, and wedges it right in to the database in your Sync Server account. Video OmniFocus; Mail Drop. Support Human Aaron shows you how to use Mail Drop to capture actions to OmniFocus for iPhone.

Omnifocus Mail Dropbox

Omnifocus Mail DropOmnifocus Mail DropOmnifocus Mail Drop

Omnifocus Mail Drop Box

Here's a quick tip for getting tasks from your email to your OmniFocus Inbox.Many times, requests for my time arrive via email. Committing and tracking this type of request used to be a multi-step process. First, I'd add the email to my OmniFocus Inbox. Then I would reply to the email acknowledging my commitment (or requesting a follow-up).I realized there was an easier way....Now, when replying to an email with a task, I merely put my OmniFocus Mail Drop email address in the bcc field. Using this method, I can respond and track the task in a single button click.