R Code Cheat Sheet

How to use chmod codes in UNIX:

Use the cheatsheets that are built into the RStudio IDE to jog your memory about R Markdown. Go to File Help Cheatsheets R Markdown Cheat Sheet to open the main R Markdown cheatsheet, pictured above. Go to File Help Markdown Quick Reference to open the Markdown Quick Reference in. R recognizes 600 time zones. Each encodes the time zone, Daylight Savings Time, and historical calendar variations for an area. R assigns one time zone per vector. Use the UTC time zone to avoid Daylight Savings. OlsonNames Returns a list of valid time zone names. OlsonNames withtz(time, tzone = ') Get the same date-time in a new.

R programming Codes Cheat Sheet. 1 Page (0) R - Subsetting Cheat Sheet. 1 Page (1) Aggregate Function in dplyr Cheat.

  1. There are three types of permissions in files and folders in unix
    1. Read (r)
    2. Write (w)
    3. Execute (x)
  2. And, there is a classification of users called UGO (explained bellow):
    1. U ~> User (usually, you)
    2. G ~> Group (eg sudo group)
    3. O ~> Others

When you run $ ls -l your output will be something like this:

  1. R has 657 built in color names To see a list of names: colors These colors are displayed on P. R color cheatsheet Finding a good color scheme for presenting data can be challenging. This color cheatsheet will help! R uses hexadecimal to represent colors Hexadecimal is a base-16 number system used to describe color.
  2. R Markdown Cheat Sheet. Codefolding Let readers to toggle the display of R code, 'none', 'hide', or 'show' X colortheme Beamer color theme to use X.

How to read this?

Where is a letter put a 1 and where is a - put a 0. Examples:

r w xr w xr w x
1 1 11 1 11 1 1

So, user, group and others can read, write and excute the file or folder

r w -r --r - x
1 1 01 0 01 0 1

So, user can read and write, group can only read, finally other can read and execute

As you can see, we can play with these permissions

r - xr w -- - -
1 0 11 1 00 0 0
- w xr - x- - x
0 1 11 0 10 0 1

Finally, the codes! (sorry)

0000- - -
0011- - x
0102- w -
0113- w x
1004r - -
1015r - x
1106r w -
1117r w x

The syntax is something like this: $ chmod u/permissions g/permissions o/permissions file[or /dir/]

  • So, if I run $ chmod 777 file <=>rwx rwx rwx everybody can do anything with file
  • Or I run $ chmod 744 dir <=>rwx r-- r--only user can read, write and execute, group and others only read dir.
  • Or run $ chmod 200 file2 <=>-w- --- ---only you can write file2

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  • Gabe Kutuzov (GitHub)