Bank2IIF for Mac v.3.2.5. Need to import transactions, but the format is not supported? Convert QFX/OFX/QBO/QIF to IIF and import into. Convert bank and credit transactions to.IIF for QuickBooks Desktop with Bank2IIF Make your files compatible with Quickbooks Need to import bank or credit card transactions in a CSV, XLS, XLSX, PDF, QFX, OFX, QBO, QIF, MT940, STA file into Quickbooks, but cannot seem to make it work? To make best use of computer resources FlexiHub is a must have software for mid to large scale.
- Dec 26, 2019 Bank2IIF is simple utility to convert OFX, QIF, QFX, ASO, OFC, QBO, QBX to IIF format compatible with many online and desktop finance applications. The app allows you to view your original transaction files. Also you can combine multiple OFX, QIF, QFX, ASO, OFC, QBO, QBX files into single IIF file and load it once.
- Bank2IIF creates importable IIF files for major accounting software packages. Supports all Quickbooks versions for PC or Mac import IIF files. If your Quickbooks older than three years, IIF format.
This tutorial shows how to convert a transaction file to IIF format. We will use Bank2IIF utility. IMPORTANT: Bank2IIF is now replaced with the Transactions app, which converts from more formats and converts to more formats.
Step by step instructions for Windows
Follow the steps below for the Windows version.
Make sure you are using the latest version of Bank2IIF. Download it from the Bank2IIF download page. Start Bank2IIF and select the transaction file (it could be QBO file, OFX file, QFX file, QIF file, PDF file, MT940 file or STA).
Review transactions before converting, check that dates are correct, have the correct year, deposits and withdrawals are assigned correctly.
Enter the main Account Name.
To match the bank account in Quickbooks.
Map payee or payer names to Vendor or Customer names in Quickbooks. In our case, we have three expense transactions (requires Vendor to be assigned) and one income transaction (requires Customer to be assigned). Bookstore Invoice, Gas Company, Hydro, and Microsoft are Payee names.

Let's say for 'Bookstore Invoice' we have the Vendor name 'Indigo'.
Click on the 'Payee/Categories' Tab. For 'Input Payee' enter the name in the 'Output Payee' column, as you have in Quickbooks (for 'Bookstore Invoice' enter 'Indigo'). Everything else you can leave empty because the converter will not change it.
The name was changed.
Let's check Customer name (in our case 'Microsoft') in Quickbooks. If you don't have the same name in Quickbooks, you can add it here.
Map categories or payee names to expense account names in Quickbooks. In our case, we have four categories: Office Supplies, Utilities, Utilities, and Payroll.
Click 'Lists' - 'Chart of Accounts'.
We have 'Utilities' (Expense), which is matching.
We have 'Office Supplies' (Expense).
For the 'Payroll' - Income category. Let's say it should be 'Consulting Income'.
Click on the 'Payee/Categories' Tab. For 'Input Category' (Payroll) enter the name in the 'Output Category' column (Consulting Income).
Now we have all the things in the right order. Make sure all accounts, vendors, and customers exist in Quickbooks.
Click the 'Convert' button to create an IIF file.
Confirm the file name and location.
Import created IIF file into Quickbooks
Now the IIF file is created, let's switch to Quickbooks and import created IIF file. Make sure to backup your Quickbooks data file before any IIF import. Click 'File' - 'Utilities' - 'Import' - 'IIF Files'. Locate the IIF file you've just created.
Done! Transactions are imported.
Review transactions in Quickbooks after importing. Click 'Lists' - 'Chart of Accounts' - 'Wells Fargo'.
Related articles
Need to convert a transactions file to easy to access or archive format? Convert QFX/OFX/QBO/QIF to PDF and open in any PDF viewer. Review transactions in a readable view before converting. Free trial (up to 10 transactions per file converted) is available. Support is available before and after purchase. Knowledge base with the solutions for similar conversions. Question and Answers page to ask questions and get help with developers and other users. Buy with confidence: money back guarantee is provided for 14 days. Save time and avoid data entry and manual errors.
Qif To Iif
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