A new beta version of Krita, an open source painting program and image editor has been released
Krita-4.2.8-beta1.tar.gz; krita-4.2.8-beta1.tar.xz; md5sum. For all downloads: md5sum.txt; Support Krita. Krita is a free and open source project. Please consider supporting the project with donations or by buying training videos! With your support, we can keep the core team working on Krita full-time. Krita for Windows PC – Learn how to download and install the Krita 4.2.8 (32-bit) application on your Windows 10/8/7 PC for free. Open Source Software for Concept Artists, Digital Painters, and Illustrators. You are connecting with IP address, which belongs to autonomous system MICROSOFT-CORP-MSN-AS-BLOCK (ASN8075). We believe you are somewhere in United States and have selected mirrors based on this.
Krita 4.2.8 Beta
We had to skip the October release because we were working on a bunch of issues that took longer to resolve than planned, but that means that this release has more fixes than ever. Please test this beta, and take the survey afterwards!
There has been a lot of work on vector shapes, the transform tool and, especially, saving on Windows. Windows usually only writes out saved files to the actual disk when it feels like it.
So if you’d cut the power to your computer before Windows did that, you might get corrupted files. With 1,500,000 distinct Windows 10 users of Kritain the past month, chances are good for that happening (just like there are people who work exclusively with unnamed autosave files — don’t do that!), so we now try to force Windows to write files to disk after saving.
Fix the sliders in the performance settings page. BUG:414092
Fix the color space of the onion skin cache. BUG:407251
Fix transforming layers that have onion skins enabled. BUG:408152
Also save the preferences when closing the preferences dialog with the titlebar close button
Fix a bug in the polygon tool that adds an extra point. BUG:411059
Save the last used export settings. BUG:409044
Prevent a crash on macOS when closing a dialog that opened the system color dialog. BUG:413922
Fix an issue on macOS where the native file dialogs would not return a filename. BUG:413241
Make it possible to save the “All” tag as the current tag. BUG:409748
Show the correct blending mode in the brush preset editor. BUG:410136
Fix saving color profiles that are not sRGB to PNG files
Make the transform tool work correctly with the selection mask’s overlay
Fix a crash when editing the global selection mask. BUG:412747
Remove the “Show Decorations” option from the transform tool. BUG:413573
Remove the CSV export filter (it hasn’t worked for ages)
Fix slowdown in the Warp transform tool. BUG:413157
Fix possible data loss when pressing the escape key multiple times. BUG:412561
Fix a crash when opening an image with a clone layer when instant preview is active. BUG:412278
Fix a crash when editing vector shapes. BUG:413932
Fix visibility of Reference Layer and Global Selection Mask in Timeline. BUG:412905
Fix random crashes when converting image color space. BUG:410776
Rewrite the “auto precision” option in the brush preset editor. BUG:413085
Fix legacy convolution filters on images with non-transparent background. BUG:411159
Fix an assert when force-autosaving the image right during the stroke. BUG:412835
Fix crash when using Contionous Selection tool with Feather option. BUG:412622
Fix an issue where temporary files were created in the folder above the current folder.
Improve the rendering of the transform tool handles while actually making a transformation
Use the actual mimetype instead of the extension to identify files when creating thumbnails for the recent files display
Improve the logging to detect whether Krita has closed improperly
Fix exporting compositions from the compositions docker. BUG:412953, BUG:412470
Fix Color Adjustment Curves not processing. BUG:412491
Fix artifacts on layers with colorize mask *and* disabled layer styles
Make Separate Channels work. BUG:336694, BUG:412624
Make it possible to create vector shapes on images that are bigger than QImage’s limits. BUG:408936
Disable adjustmentlayer support on the raindrop filter. BUG:412522
Make it possible to use .kra files as file layers. BUG:412549
Fix Crop tool loosing aspect ratio on move. BUG:343586
Fix Rec2020 display format. BUG:410918
Improve error messages when loading and saving fails.
Fix jumping of vector shapes when resizing them
Add hi-res input events for pan, zoom and rotate. BUG:409460
Fix crash when using Pencil Tool with a tablet. BUG:412530
Always ask Windows to synchronize the file systems after saving a file from Krita.
Fix wrong aspect ratio on loading SVG files. BUG:407425
The default tool you have selected on Krita start-up, and likely the tool that you will use the most.
The freehand brush tool allows you to paint on paint layers without constraints like the straight line tool. It makes optimal use of your tablet’s input settings to control the brush-appearance.To switch the brush, make use of the brush-preset docker.
Hotkeys and Sticky keys¶
The freehand brush tool’s hotkey is B.
The alternate invocation is the ‘’color picker’’ (standardly invoked by the Ctrl key). Press the Ctrl key to switch the tool to “color picker”, use left or right click to pick fore and background color respectively. Release the Ctrl key to return to the freehand brush tool.
The Primary setting is “size” (standardly invoked by the Shift key). Press the Shift key and drag outward to increase brush size. Drag inward to decrease it.
You can also press the V key as a stickykey for the straight-line tool.
The hotkey can be edited in Settings ‣ Configure Krita… ‣ Shortcuts.The sticky-keys can be edited in Settings ‣ Configure Krita… ‣ Canvas Input Settings.
Tool Options¶
Krita 4.2.8
Smoothing, also known as stabilising in some programs, allows the program to correct the stroke. Useful for people with shaky hands, or particularly difficult long lines.
The following options can be selected:
The input from the tablet translates directly to the screen. This is the fastest option, and good for fine details.
This option will smooth the input of older tablets like the Wacom Graphire 3. If you experience slightly jagged lines without any smoothing on, this option will apply a very little bit of smoothing to get rid of those lines.
This option allows you to use the following parameters to make the smoothing stronger or weaker:
The distance the brush needs to move before the first dab is drawn. (Literally the amount of events received by the tablet before the first dab is drawn.)
This controls how much the line will attempt to reach the last known position of the cursor after the left-mouse button/or stylus is lifted. Will currently always result in a straight line, so use with caution.
This will apply the smoothing on the pressure input as well, resulting in more averaged size for example.

This makes it so that the numbers involved will be scaled along the zoom level.
This option averages all inputs from the tablet. It is different from weighted smoothing in that it allows for always completing the line. It will draw a circle around your cursor and the line will be a bit behind your cursor while painting.
This is the strength of the smoothing.

Krita 4.2.8 Download
This toggles and determines the size of the dead zone around the cursor. This can be used to create sharp corners with more control.
This ensures that the line will be finished.
Similar to Smooth Pressure, this allows the input (pressure, speed, tilt) to be smoother.

Krita 4.2.8
This makes it so that the numbers involved will be scaled along the zoom level.
Ticking this will allow snapping to Assistant Tool, and the hotkey to toggle it is Ctrl+Shift+L. See Painting with Assistants for more information.
Krita 4.2.8 Brushes
The slider will determine the amount of snapping, with 1000 being perfect snapping, and 0 being no snapping at all. For situations where there is more than one assistant on the canvas, the defaultly ticked Snap Single means that Krita will only snap to a single assistant at a time, preventing noise. Unticking it allows you to chain assistants together and snap along them.